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Seoul: Ten Thousand Blossoms
Seoul Urban Regeneration Gallery
Urban regeneration has become part of our daily lives, not only in terms of policy. Seoul is also leading various policies and changes under the name of urban regeneration. But despite the many visible changes, it is the fact that urban regeneration is still on a “progressive”. So, Seoul Urban Regeneration Gallery focused on the story that people are making today, rather than the big changes that urban regeneration has made.
The first thing you see is ‘Beginning of the Journey’. The story of urban regeneration began before the word ‘urban regeneration’ came into being. Many of the changes that Seoul has undergone consist of a panorama of the Seoul Photo Archive. The story of urban regeneration begins with the changing landscape of Seoul by time.
The stories of urban regeneration vary. The Seoul Urban Regeneration Gallery has reconstructed the stories of various regions and people. In ‘People redrawing Seoul’, the main character of urban regeneration is the people who visited today. Instead of looking at Seoul’s urban regeneration from a distance, they enter with a special card to make up stories together. Through urban regeneration card, various stories are collected and made into their own stories. To ‘The Rhythm of Seoul, Everyday Life in Seoul Urban Regeneration’, people’s voices become rhythms of the city, and they play their own story-music. As you open each drawer, you will find objects with stories and the voices of people who are making urban regeneration. In ‘The Travel Guide to the Urban Regeneration in Seoul’, visitor takes a trip, touring regeneration areas across the city. It connects urban regeneration areas and regions and creates a theme for urban regeneration by visitors. In ‘A Space for Stories of Urban Renewal in Seoul’, you will meet a special story of Seoullo7017 and Sewoon Plaza. The visitor will go on a time-travel between yesterday and today with a screen that fills the eyes.
Above all, the story of urban regeneration is not limited to one gallery. From the design stage, the experience of the storytelling was designed to extend to the outside the gallery. Visitors can collect stories of urban regeneration they saw through special urban regeneration cards, and explore every corner of the city’s urban regeneration through mobile at any time. The Seoul Urban Regeneration Gallery is located at the Donuimun Museum Village, but the story of urban regeneration can be met everywhere in Seoul.
The story of urban regeneration is not over today. Every day a new story of urban renewal begins. From the design stage, the archive system was designed for the content that makes up, and whenever new regions and stories are added, content can be added through the system at any time. Through this, the Seoul Urban Regeneration Gallery will wait for the urban regeneration story of the future. From now on, the urban regeneration story begins here.